Sunday, 12 January 2014


Our topic for term 2 was Mountains which covered aspects of geography, science and the environment.
We managed to set up a link with a British School in Kathmandu, Nepal and have been communicating by e mail with our buddies. It is interesting to contrast the lifestyle and climate of a mountainous region with our own, although it is clear from the e mails that children enjoy the same things wherever they live in the world!

We investigated how fold mountains form by using cloth.

We even had a go at a mountain range!
We simulated a volcanic eruption with food colouring, baking soda and vinegar on a model volcano.

Mountain Art



Term 2 achievers
Throughout the term there were more cups, medals, belts and achievements by individuals in various sports such as badminton,athletics, football, rugby, golf and martial arts. Well done to all! It's great to see dedication and commitment to out of school clubs and is also a great way to develop sportsmanship and fitness.