Thursday, 1 May 2014

Wideford adventure

Last month we tested our fitness and stamina by climbing to the top of Wideford Hill. We noted the effect of strenuous activity on our bodies. The climb was made more challenging because it was a very windy day! Everyone made it to the top and we found the heather to be very comfortable resting material! 
Getting ready for the tough bit.

Looking back

The highest point - finding shelter!

Using the compass to find out where the different islands are.

It was a great place to play hide and seek.

A hazy view!

The other side.

1 comment:

  1. Well done everyone for making it to the top. Good training for your "Hoy" trip later this year. What a pity it wasn't a nicer day but you can't predict the weather and it least it wasn't raining! Caroline (Laura's mum)
